Equinix DB2

Dublin, IE

DB2 offers a high level of carrier connectivity, making them ideal locations to procure bandwidth and optimise network performance.



A calming breeze.






DB2 is a densely connected Equinix International Business Exchange, which provides customers a range of premium colocation, interconnection and support services. Located 20 minutes from Dublin Airport and 30 minutes from the city center, DB2 is connected to all Dublin IBXs with metro connectivity, including DB1, home to INEX – the Irish Internet Exchange. It provides rich interconnection opportunities between network and cloud service providers, digital media providers, broadcasters, financial services organizations and enterprises. DB2 has been designed to meet every standard for security, resilience, quality, energy efficiency and environmental management. It is managed by an expert and highly skilled team and all operational processes are designed to deliver maximum resilience and IBX performance.